Magically Bemused Newsletter: Cosmic Chronicles, Predictive Astrology, and Samhain's Blessings.
VII. Curated offerings tinged with a 'wealth of knowledge' promoting collective 'PEACE & LoVe' for the end of this eclipse season.
Greetings and welcome to the 6th mystical chapter of this sacred newsletter launch series. There’s 13 in total btw.
As we gather here, I pay homage to ancient customs of our forebears while unraveling the profound mysteries woven into the themes of this weekend’s Full Taurus Moon & Lunar Eclipse.
My Writing Journey:
I originally wrote some text for this newsletter that I was sitting on for over week, in doubt. It was largely condemning of a targeted few, where I casually mentioned that a few popular world leaders we continue to support are actual terrorists.
I may also have accidentally invoked a disease or two upon a few chosen characters, and kinda felt guilty about this since im tryin’ hard to turn over a new leaf and be less evil these days. Tough gig.
So I gave over to the Chat CPT Gods to filter out my emotional binge writing episode, and asked for a rewrite ….
After a few back and forth chats with a robot on the internet, and what prolly costed me a few more red flags to my IP address…
…we arrived at this…
On the morning of October 7th, I awoke and glanced at the headlines, and in that moment, it became clear to me that we had crossed into another juncture akin to a WW3 event. Not just in the physical realm but in the cosmic tapestry of existence.
My optimist Boomer lover attempted to reassure me, "Relax, these occurrences are not uncommon when it comes to the affairs of groups like Hamas." In response, I offered a cryptic perspective, suggesting that this particular moment seemed orchestrated by special interests interwoven with enigmatic forces from other governments.
I asked my again of my lover to remind me of the ye’ol ancient timeline of modus operandi for the grand theatre of war. My intuition hints that, by the third quarter of the approaching summer, the cosmic tapestry will unravel further, revealing signs of the impending Greatest Depression Ever as it manifests in the vast logistical volumes of our world.
Conclusion, our planet and its inhabitants are suffering immensely. NOW is the time you light a candle and practice a moment (or multiple ones) of
to hold space for those less fortunate than you.
Some seasonal offerings herewith, mostly in promo of other cool …
The moment I believe WW3 officially started: Russia invaded Crimea in late February 2014. And if I’m allowed to get technical, I am happy to discuss my thoughts on why WW2 actually never ended.
Lastly, check this one out: How we can work to maintain a sense of balance to filter out evil humans.
Anyhoo, great podcast topics nonetheless. Connect with me here if you wish to collaborate.
Linked throughout this Newsletter are some of my musings for this week.
Click this one above where I cover topics of collective threats to society covered under the influence of Pluto.
Taking the moment to again, invite my Readers to subscribe to my blog - and last call for discounted rates with this Autumn Promo!
G R A T I T U D E !

Why are these topics of such importance to you Audra?
Expressing my strongly-worded opinions is part of the uniqueness behind my brand as a yoga teacher, as I continue to work to raise the conscious collective through teaching theoretically.
Also, my writings are being found by the right readers and writers who care about the stuff I care about, so that's probably the biggest motivator.
Thank you to for these wonderful connections!
In early 2020, back when I decided to go all-out with an online campaign on social media to advocate for more social activism as part of my brand, it was because I felt very passionate then about topics I couldn't speak publicly about for the decades prior.
Am learning to be more anonymous and creative with infusing my core values into my content, while continuing to find the appropriate audience to network with.
In courage and confidence, I slowly incorporate my progressive, alternative political beliefs into my spiritual teachings, and happy this ties into an obsessive craft of growing a writing career. Supports my long-term career goals as well.
Yes! I do wish to hold public office someday, and elected leaders of our world have proven one needs no credentials for such a position. So why not… #dreambig
Short-term goals, include workshops and events in coming season. So please do…
Relevant Teachings & Restful Events!
Weekly on Mondays 2030 CEST, restorative yin yoga in Delft. HMU if you’re interested in the online option this winter. Requirement being, you’ve already logged face-to-face time with me in class.
Let’s check what your natal chart says about your own astrology! As always, I can be booked here for consultation.
Women’s Writers World 12 November: Topics covering Career Gaps, Sabbaticals, Parenthood & R E S T. Register here!
Would you like to join me here? Monthly Women’s Online FREE Healing Circle & Mt Olympus May 2024 Greece Retreat
Happy Scorpio Season! ‘Giveaway Drawring’ for a freebie annual subscription this season goes to fellow Substacker :
Wishing you a safe and restful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse weekend. Think about your goals for the coming 6 months. Do some dreamy mind-mapping exercises!

Namaste xx